First off this isn't really a recipe, just some tips and tricks that I have learned by making Thanksgiving dinner for the past 7 years.
Cook the turkey in a cooking bag. Seriously, I cooked a 14 pound turkey in 2 and a half hours yesterday and it was perfect. Also, after the turkey is cooked, let it sit for half an hour. If you want the turkey skin crispier just cut open the top of the bag, tuck the sides of the bag around the turkey and throw the turkey back in for about 30 minutes. I personally think that skin is gross so I skip that last step.
Also, mashed potatoes. Well when making them my hubby uses only butter and sour cream. Makes for yummy potatoes but I don't want to know what the calorie count on those are.
Dinner rolls, as I have discovered are a pain in the butt, so my best tip for those is COSTCO!
Everything else I make comes from a can or a box (I have never claimed to be a great cook).
Well, I guess that is it. I will put up actual recipes once I start cooking again.
I am so glad the only thing I had to cook for Thanksgiving dinner was the green bean casserole. How easy is that!!!
I'm still upset at your for feeding your husband my plate of Thanksgiving dinner. Although, if I would have had your food, we couldn't have hit Jack in the Box at night. I would have been too full.
Sorry about that. I was, still am a little bitter that I got ditched by everyone.
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